CV Terra Putra Perkasa Located in Cirebon as a central area of Indonesia Rattan Furniture Manufacturer. Since year 80' factories from Cirebon has exported bulk rattan furniture products to Worldwide.
Before rattan raw material being manufactured as furniture, rattan canes are cut from the forest and are partially processed. Canes with small diameters are dried in the sun and often smoked using sulphur. Large canes are boiled in oil to make them dry and to protect them from insects.
Unlike bamboo, which grows almost like a tree, rattan is a creeping plant that closely resembles the stem of a rose. It grows from the forest floor, using the trees to climb upward, and is typically harvested by the rattan farmers when it is years old.
Rattan are first straightened using straightening jigs. After selection and grading they are then cut to length and steamed for up to 60 minutes, by which time they are very pliable. They are bent to shape in jigs where they are left for about 24 hours so the bend can set. They are removed, trimmed and can be used in furniture making.
The production of bent components for rattan furniture and handicrafts is traditionally done by blowtorch. This process results in scorch or burn marks on the surface of the bent component and consequently reduces the quality and sale price of the products. The steam-bending technique eliminates such processing defects.
After frames done next step is finishing process. Finishing is another important stage to ensure the final quality of furniture. Spray guns powered by compressed air are used for spraying the furniture.
Office & Showroom : |
Cirebon Gateway, Blok Diamond No. 15 Jl. Raya Cirebon - Bandung, Desa Karangasem, Kecamatan Plumbon, Kabupaten Cirebon |
Workshop : |
Jl. Semambo No. 97, Desa Tegalwangi, Kecamatan Weru, Kabupaten Cirebon |